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Week in Mar 29, 2024


  • "Understanding Financial Reports in One Book"
  • "Eight Square Meters in Tokyo"

The direct reason for reading this finance-related book is that I have recently been paying attention to some stock picks during earnings season and want to have a deeper understanding of company financial reports. Additionally, my undergraduate major was interdisciplinary, and I have taken some economics courses. Therefore, reading this book is not difficult. Overall, the language of this book is very accessible; for example, it states that "the balance sheet is a snapshot of the company," indicating that the balance sheet is just a point-in-time concept, while "the income statement is a video camera for the company," suggesting that the income statement is a period concept.

"Eight Square Meters" represents the smallest unit of living space and is also the temporary residence of the author, Xiao Universe. Eight square meters is very small, while Tokyo is a vast city. Between the small and the large, although the author records some daily trivialities, they still possess warmth and relatability. It reminds me of another book I read before, "A Little Prosperity for One." Both authors come from small places and have come to Tokyo to strive for success, both searching for small joys in ordinary life.


Recently, I listened to a very exciting episode about AI, where the guests explored the characteristics and future development of the AI 2.0 era from perspectives such as AI trends and applications, investment and entrepreneurship, and competition and dimensions. The guests used the game "Ball Battle" as a vivid analogy for the competitive relationship between startups and large companies in this field.

This podcast is packed with valuable insights, discussing topics such as "the reward mechanism of dopamine," "how to explain addictive behaviors," and "dopamine does not simply encode happiness; it essentially encodes the difference between expectation and reality." After listening to this episode, I finally understood from a scientific perspective why "lowering expectations can lead to happiness" in psychology.

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