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Dog Ear Daily

  • Most of us believe we are more exceptional than the average person: we are more capable, more honest and reliable, more passionate, and more talented. This optimistic self-perception has a specific name in psychology called the "invisibility cloak illusion."

  • Why do they have such thoughts? Some even regard it as fashion or trend. Besides the inherent human tendency to seek comfort and avoid hard work, consumer capitalism has greatly stimulated the prevalence of this idea of getting something for nothing (so don't be smug; what you call fashion or being unconventional is actually akin to the behavior of the ignorant in feudal society, both manipulated by social trends).

  • The information you receive every day is fragmented, time is fragmented, cognition is fragmented, and memory lasts only three days—whether in the United States or China, whether it's a scandal involving the U.S. president or the Sichuan earthquake, the fermentation period of even the biggest news events is only three days, after which it gets scattered by various trivial matters.

  • With artificial intelligence technologies represented by deep learning going mainstream, CPUs that have dominated the market for decades may be dethroned; a new era has arrived where lower-cost FPGAs, GPUs that can process data faster, probability chips that can compute with lower precision, and more specialized processors with entirely new architectures compete for the market.

  • If you really can't do anything, here's a little trick: think about those things you absolutely don't want to touch. Doing what's at hand will feel much more comfortable.

  • What drives such entrepreneurs to push the world forward is often not fame or fortune, but a strong sense of mission and dreams filled with personal heroism, along with a rare lifelong curiosity that accompanies a select few.

  • “Be not afraid of greatness: some men are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.”

  • Making mistakes and feeling embarrassed should happen early. Being afraid of making mistakes when it's time to make them will only lead to more mistakes in the years to come.

  • Weakness and ignorance are not barriers to survival; arrogance is.

  • I have always believed that the best way to learn is to do directly; messing up is learning, doing well is better learning. Zuckerberg never "learned" how to create the largest social network; he just did it. The so-called Learn by doing applies here as well.

  • I empathize with others' weaknesses because I am weak myself. Drama is the art of testing human nature; strong things are not easily moving. When you are weak, everyone will worry for you and help you act; that is when it is most touching.

  • I often tell actors: "If you express so much, you don't need others' sympathy at all. Your role is to make others worry for you and help you act, because no matter how you perform, you can't outdo the audience's imagination."

  • The internet may not be the antidote to loneliness; perhaps it creates even greater loneliness. Noise and solitude coexist in the same space, and in the center of an extremely noisy stage stands an extremely lonely individual singing for another lonely individual on the other side of the screen.

  • The lower the social class, the better they are at interpreting others' emotions. They are more accurate in reading the expressions and emotions of strangers. — In this sense, lower-class individuals are actually more empathetic to others' suffering.

  • Don't rush to complain about your talent not being utilized; when you are still short, pointing at the ceiling and cursing it for being too low is meaningless.

  • I believe that every company has its unique mission. It is nurtured by the founder, but eventually, it will become a community, a community of many people's dreams. Just like your child, who grows up with you, but one day will become an independent person.

  • The entrepreneurs we define are not just those who own a company; as long as they are trying to enhance their cognition, collaborate with more people, and do something unprecedented, they are entrepreneurs in our eyes.

  • BAT has created nearly half of the industry's output value using only 3% of the approximately 5 million internet workers. So what's strange is, what are the remaining 97% doing? I took out a piece of paper and made a rough draft, finding that the average wealth generated by 97% of internet workers in a year is less than the average level in their cities.

  • Moreover, almost all knowledge of quantum physics contradicts everyday experience; it cultivates a good scientific thinking spirit in us—what we see as facts may not be true; what we believe as truths may not be correct.

  • I have read the "Book of Han," and I have gone through it several times, focusing on topics such as governance, figures, official systems, military strategies, and finances, each time seeking one thing. Without needing to go through it multiple times, I have grasped the essence of everything.

  • The spotlight effect refers to the tendency for people to see themselves as the center of everything and intuitively overestimate the degree of others' attention on us.

  • Respect everyone who helps us and learn from everyone we can. There are too many fools with masters, while geniuses often stand out.

  • Impression management refers to the process by which a person influences others' impressions of themselves through certain means, proposed by psychologist Erving Goffman. Goffman believes that an important aspect of social interaction is our intentional or unintentional attempts to manipulate and control the impressions we leave on others; for every social interaction, individuals are both expressing their true selves and trying to exert a specific influence on the "audience."

  • Learning fragmented things in fragmented time, I am skeptical about whether real value can be gained from it.

  • Listening is a difficult task. It requires you to put down your own things to truly hear what the other person is saying. If you cling to your own things, you won't have curiosity about new things.

  • He recalled some vague memories of his father. After his classmate got the skin, he created a death knight character on the "Dream Tree" server and continued the game.

  • Design is about discovering the essential laws of things and using these laws to solve problems within given resources.

  • The desire for control increases because love exposes more of our vulnerabilities; not believing that our partner will like this humble self requires confirmation of our worthiness to be loved through the partner's tolerance and obedience.

  • If we can express our thought processes through images and lists, we can promptly identify and correct bugs; visualizing them will also make them more organized and layered, making it easier to break through the boundaries of thought.

  • Many times, the solidification and differences in social class that we speak of are not merely gaps in wealth, but more about the differences in each person's vision and choices.

  • “Every smart person I have met in my life, from all walks of life, reads every day—none, not a single one. And Warren's reading is so extensive that it might surprise you; he is a book with two legs.”
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